
SaladBox June-July 2014 Korean Beauty : A Missha Exclusive

When Saladbox  announced that the supposedly June box will become June-July box and will be shipped in July, I was like, "ok, whatever". I was really disappointed with the Runway Ready May 2014 SaladBox  so I am not expecting anything anymo…

Let the Beauty Begin! June 2014 BDJ Box Unboxing

After my big disappointment over my May 2014 Saladbox , I'm glad I received my an exclusive Benefit box from BDJ. Yey ! Lollitint , 2.5ml/ 0.8 US fl oz (1700php for Full Size) Benetint , 2.5 ml/ 0.08 US fl.oz (1700php for Full Size) …

Saladbox Runway Ready May 2014 : My sorriest box yet

Saladbox is late again! I just received my May 2014 box today, June 14th. June 14th! Two weeks after the month of May! And then ... Here's what I got: Uhh ... It's like adding salt to the wound :( :( :( Unlike Dragon Chatter   who…

My Sample Room Loot Bags 1-2-3

Below are my Sample Room hauls. And yes, I know I'm late in posting= ( Anyway, here's what I got using my VIP member's points: Sample Room Loot#1  Total Points availed = 615 points | Total Purchase Value = Php 1,167 2 boxes Di…

Belo Essentials : Glamourbox Special Edition February 2014

In my previous post, I told you I received two boxes in the mail. This is the larger of the two and my first box from Glamourbox. Let me tell you a little secret. I'm actually new to subscription boxes that's why I'm so e…

SaladBox Unboxing : January - February 2014

Finally, finally! THE. BOX. FINALLY. ARRIVED. My first box of the 3-month subscription from Saladbox  arrived today after almost ten weeks of waiting. Before we go to the much awaited unveiling of the box, let me tell you my first impression of…

That is All